Congress leads the way to combat CCP – states must follow suit

Before leaving Washington, D.C. ahead of the November elections, the House of Representatives scored a major victory for American national security by passing 25 distinct pieces of legislation designed to protect against the unwanted influence of the Chinese government.  

Congress has never taken such comprehensive action to protect the U.S. from the growing threat of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). These unprecedented legislative measures demonstrate clear, bipartisan recognition that the CCP’s threat is real. This major legislative accomplishment should also serve to spur action in the states, where governors and state legislatures are lagging behind in efforts to protect American security.  

U.S. House of Representatives Takes Historic Legislative Action 

The 25 bills passed by the House of Representatives span a number of key policy areas, including:   

  • Protecting economic security from Chinese government influence 

  • Safeguarding Americans’ personal information and data from foreign collection efforts  

  • Critical infrastructure hacking protection 

  • Research security and intellectual property protection 

  • Defense funding and the protection of international allies in the South China Sea 

  • CCP influence on American higher education 

The fact that a closely divided House of Representatives sent 25 wide-ranging bills to the Senate in just one week speaks volumes. That these bills were passed in a bipartisan manner is even more evidence that the federal lawmakers on both sides of the aisle recognize the threat posed by certain actors within the Chinese government.  

Governors and State Legislatures Must Also Take China Seriously 

The actions in the House are an important start, but not every threat we face can be addressed at the federal level. Every day, we see more stories reminding us that the CCP is committed to influencing state and local politics in the United States.  

States across the country must follow this example and create plans to defend their citizens against the growing threat of the Chinese Communist Party. Now is the time to build on the momentum created in Congress. States across the country can do their part to protect Americans but must start by developing clear goals and strategies.  

One key reason that the House was able to act with such clarity is because it organized an actionable plan to address the CCP. In January 2023, The House responded to the growing threat posed by the Chinese government by establishing the “Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party.” The recommendations of the Select Committee served as the backbone for the drafting of the 25 bills in the House. States should follow a similar strategy to pass a comprehensive slate of policies. 

Protecting America Initiative Policies Should Serve as the Blueprint 

The Protecting America Initiative has created a comprehensive blueprint of 25 policies to help states protect against the incursion of the CCP. Unlike the Congressional Select Committee on the CCP, the policy proposals included in our recommendations are specifically tailored to address security issues that fall within the jurisdiction of the states.  

These proposals are divided into six critical initiatives. 

  1. Protect U.S. Agriculture, Farmland, and Food Supply 

  2. Defend American Political Independence 

  3. Promote American Jobs and Protect American Industry 

  4. Keep China Out of Our Infrastructure 

  5. Maintain Independence in Education 

  6. Stop the Flow of Chinese Nationals & Fentanyl Across Our Border 

Just like the Congressional leaders who wisely took up the policy strategies articulated by the Select Committee on the CCP, states should implement the 25 readymade initiatives outlined by the Protecting America Initiative. These vital protections could be enacted in the states immediately.


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