examples of chinese threat in states

  • Buying U.S. farmland

  • Lobbying local politicians and buying influence

  • Receiving state subsidies for their companies

  • Getting states to use their technology 

  • Forcing dependence on their infrastructure and supply chains

  • Influencing higher education across America

  • Threatening national security and public safety

China is:

How to Stop Chinese Influence
in the States

Protect US agriculture, farmland, and food supply

  • Legislative proposals to prohibit Chinese accumulation of U.S. farms or agricultural infrastructure. Food security as national security. 

  • Protections for US agriculture companies that are going to make their products here instead of outsourcing to China.

Defend American political independence

  • Legislative proposals to ban or prohibit Chinese influence on state and local politics. This includes greater disclosure of lobbying and influence peddling in state capitols.

Promote american jobs & american industry

  • Legislation to ban state subsidies for Chinese companies to operate in the U.S. This will also provide regulatory relief to help build American supply chains in critical industries like batteries and chips.

  • Legislation to combat China’s efforts to steal our intellectual property.

Keep Chinese technology out of state government

  • Measures to prohibit the use of Chinese products in state government.

Guarantee made in the USA infrastructure

  • Legislation that requires state infrastructure projects to buy American. This would include construction and tech infrastructure.

Maintain independence in higher education

  • Legislative measures to deny China from influencing state-chartered higher education.

Safeguard national security

  • Legislative initiatives to protect American lives and national security. Interdicting fentanyl and banning Chinese companies that import drugs.

  • Legislation that would curb illegal immigration from Chinese nationals.